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Club Statistics :: Club Name: Rush Creek Yacht Club :: RCYC

Regatta Count: 51 :: Race Count: 327 :: Average Registrations: 18.75
Average High Point Regatta Score: 14.01 :: Average High Point Race Score: 15.37
Average Regatta Score: 1.95 :: Average Race Score: 11.47
Boat Boat Type Name High Point
1 USA 404 J22 Bill Draheim 19.22
2 GRAND SLAM II J24 Paul Foerster 14.26
3 404 - Paige Not Found! J22 Mike Brown 14.09
4 Grand Slam II J24 Bill Draheim 14.09
5 Fast Lane J22 Jake Scott 13.91
6 Schitzen Giggles J22 Jeff Progelhof 13.68
7 Fastlane J22 Max Scott 13.63
8 Phantasm J24 Rod Favela 13.61
9 1954 J24 Bill Draheim 13.59
10 Phantasm J24 Greg Newsome 13.4
11 Grand Slam 2 (5 Minus 1) J24 Mike Brown 13.4
12 Sixty Nine J24 Greg Newsome 11.28

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