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Club Statistics :: Club Name: Galveston Bay Cruising Association :: GBCA

Regatta Count: 50 :: Race Count: 337 :: Average Registrations: 17.48
Average High Point Regatta Score: 10.59 :: Average High Point Race Score: 10.8
Average Regatta Score: 2.91 :: Average Race Score: 12.06
Boat Boat Type Name High Point
1 Yikes! J24 Pedro Gianotti 12.14
2 Meehem J22 Tom Meeh 11.97
3 Folka J22 Eric Simonson 11.52
4 Skank J22 Brant Koepke 11.48
5 Yikes! J24 Cliff Rademaker 11.45
6 Trela J22 Alberic Avisse 11.29
7 Reckless J22 Eric Simonson 11.13
8 None J22 Eric Simonson 10.8
9 Panceta Doble J24 Cliff Rademaker 10.8
10 Simon Sez J22 Eric Simonson 10.78
11 Yikes J24 Jaime Balzac 10.71
12 Ninety Nine J24 Anita Gale 10.59
13 Conga Line J24 Jay Livingston 10.46
14 El Alacran J22 Chris May 10.32
15 Razzmatazz J24 Jaime Balzac 10.05
16 J22 Loral Ohara 9.87
17 Payaso J22 Walter Caldwell 8
18 Troublemaker J22 Eric Simonson 7.29

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