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Club Statistics :: Club Name: Lakewood Yacht Club :: LYC

Regatta Count: 47 :: Race Count: 354 :: Average Registrations: 15.89
Average High Point Regatta Score: 8.51 :: Average High Point Race Score: 11.17
Average Regatta Score: 1.31 :: Average Race Score: 11.25
Boat Boat Type Name High Point
1 Let The Wookie Win J22 Jon Larson 9.95
2 Brew Ha Ha J24 Kevin Orff 9.39
3 Knot Bad J22 Mitch Clarke 8.74
4 Sketchy J22 Danny Pletsch 8.74
5 USA 863 J22 Jon Larson 8.42
6 Troublemaker J22 Kevin Orff 7.19
7 Let The Wookie Win J22 Alexander Wise 7.14

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