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Date: January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Event: 2024 J22 Southwest Circuit

Current Results
Division: J22
Sail Boat Name Club RCYC LYC Total
1 918 TILT Alex Schwinn FWBC 4 2 6
2 919 Troublemaker Kevin Orff LYC 6 9 15
3 1531 Blackburn Marine Racing Casey Lambert NCSR - SELF 15/DNC 1 16T
4 24 Schitzen Giggles Jeff Progelhof RCYC 1 15/DNC 16T
5 404 USA 404 Bill Draheim RCYC 2 15/DNC 17
6 878 Meehem Tom Meeh GBCA 15/DNC 3 18T
7 279 Fast Lane Jake Scott RCYC 3 15/DNC 18T
8 863 Let The Wookie Win Jon Larson LYC 15/DNC 4 19
9 707 Runaway Greg Way HYC 15/DNC 5 20T
10 814 Stampede Colin Feik OCBC 5 15/DNC 20T
11 35 Skank Brant Koepke GBCA 15/DNC 6 21
12 951 Duck U! William Mahavier NCSR - SELF 15/DNC 7 22T
13 206 Why Knot? Tom Hadel SYC 7 15/DNC 22T
14 732 Helms A Lee Anne Lee HYC 15/DNC 8 23
2 races scored for the J22 division.

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